Sunday, November 20, 2016



We do lot of Whole Brain Teaching inside the walls of 115.

But we also.

I started using Cosmic Kids videos a few years ago.
I believe I searched: Kids and Yoga Videos.
I now pay $5 a MONTH for add free Yoga - It's totally the BEST GIFT I can buy my students!

And Jaime from Cosmic Kids greeted me with something better than my wildest fantasies.

First - It's Yoga.
The benefits of Yoga in the life of a child are heavily researched and applauded.
It helps with EVERYTHING.
Body Control.
Direction following.
Social and Peer Relationships.
Physical Health.
And the list goes ON.

Second - It's Jaime and Martin.
Dude...The Amor family are...what's the word?
The most compassionate, kind, giving, and truly "calling found".
A husband and wife duo who really teach our children in a way, in a voice, that is so kind.
So loving.
So light shining.
What they create together is magic.
Jaime in front of the camera and Martin working side by side.

Third - It's something everyone can do.
Sometimes, when I thought of Yoga before, I'd think, I can't do that.
I can't show my kids something I can't do.
I can't lead them.
Blindly, I now know I can.
They love the days I lead.
What got me to that point?
The Yoga Adventures are doable for all level of learners.
Some may even argue that 3rd and 4th graders don't want to.
Or it's too young.
I assure you, I did every video with my 3rd and 4th graders and they love it.
If they don't want to participate - they can sit or lay on their yoga mats.
Most days- everyone is participating.

Finally - It has changed the way we practice mindfulness and yoga in my room.
We are an extended learning time (ELT) School.
We start at 7:50am in the morning, and go until almost 4pm.
They have a 15 minute lunch.
A 15 minute recess.
And 2, 45 minute blocks, of specials (Music, Art, PE, Drumming, Tech, Hulahooping, etc.)
And it also means LOOONG blocks of learning.
We use mindful practices during our morning meeting, but I was looking for something for the afternoon.

It's a routine.
They line up from lunch, walk down the hall, take out a mat, go to their spot.
And sit.
They calm their bodies.
They Namaste when Jaime Namastes.
And they understand this time is sacred in our room.

Parents understand it's sacred.
There are days I send an email home if we MISS yoga, because I KNOW.
It will change the kids.

I feel any day we miss yoga in my core.

At the end of every day in our room we do Grateful Group.
Also known as High, Low, Pass.
Kids can share their highs from the day and people they appreciate.

Without fail.
WithOUT fail.
My kids are always grateful for their 20 minutes of yoga.

Have you tried yoga?
Do you use Cosmic Kids?
What works?
What doesn't?
Tips and Tricks?
Share, friends, share! :)

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