Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Why

I truly have love, love, loved Whole Brain Teaching.
Ever since it first popped up in a late night search after my very first week of teaching.
10 years ago.

I knew I was failing my kids.
I knew the system was failing them.

I was 22, fresh out of my masters program, and I wanted to make a difference.

Most days...
30 students in my 3rd grade classroom,
At the grittiest urban elementary school and I did our best to...
Stay afloat.

I struggled to see their shine.
Underneath the poverty.

Underneath the gang violence.
The neglect.
The sadness.
And perhaps most of all the expectation that these things are...

Like children could learn under these conditions.

As a Level 1 RC Trainer Responsive Classroom teacher...
I can attest that Responsive Classroom is wonderful.

Morning Meeting.

What it doesn't have the ability to do, is reach an ever changing population.
I had students coming and going every week.
Every day practically.

When the rules from Whole Brain Teaching popped up on my screen.
Something inside me...shifted.

Not my class, but one of the videos that got me thinking - this could be the game changer.

After introducing the rules, I started to see the shine in my kids.
The love of learning.
And beginning to feel like school was a safe place.

I greatly anticipate the ability to share my work with my current students in my 3rd and 4th grade looping class.

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