Tuesday, November 29, 2016


The silence in the social worker's office was deafening that day.
DCF workers had come to let us know...
What we had always known,
That the girls weren't being cared for.

I remember sobbing later.
And then pulling myself together.
My husband and I gathered clothes and toiletries and the Social Worker delivered them.
I remember thanking God I had Miss A in my room for 2 years.

That I knew her well enough to say I LOVE YOU.
And if you ever need anything, I am here.
And she would know it wasn't just words, but true, deep love.

That's what looping is.
It is security in even the most uncertain of places.
It's a hug before you know you need one.

I started the 3rd to 4th grade loop three years ago.
And it has radically changed my world, my teaching, and the very foundation of my "family".

While the reasons we love looping are numerous...I can sum them up in three really simple ways:

1. We are a family
Our classrooms, across the US are full of trauma survivors.  
100% of the students in my class are either currently in trauma situations or have survived them.  
All of them.  
I have to know their trauma if I want to begin to see them, support them, and love them.  

Over the course of 2 years, I get to know them, AND their families.
I see places to support.
To call home.
To cheer lead.
I catch the anger before it interrupts their learning.
I remind them daily, for two years that nothing they will ever do will stop me from loving them.
That our space is safe.
That they are safe.
That our community is safe.

It changes the way they feel.
About themselves.
About school.
And about their ability to do school.

They love.
They bond.
And we build a foundation and connection that tethers us for a lifetime.
For 2 years.

2. Deeper Academic Understanding
You know the sage advice that we need to teach them deeper, not farther.
I love that.
And it's one of the best parts of looping.
Know what they've learned.
How they learned it.
Gives you better direction on how to move them forward.

To go deeper.
We introduce multiplication in 3rd, but we really go deep with it in 4th.
I know where we were and I know where we are going.
I also have 3rd graders learning on a 5th grade level.
I will continue to push.
And next year, I hope they are working on a 6th grade level.

I am not complacent either.
The best teachers are not.
I'm not worried about what will be easier for planning.
Or make less work for me.
Or god forbid, having to learn a new curriculum (insert rant about what your job as an educator actually is and how so many of you have become complacent with easy..aka...not a lot of work...aka...lazy.)

These are all things that make us better.
That make our kids better.
Learning with them excites them.
Makes them vested.

3. It takes a village

And when that village has 2 years to work together, it's magic.
Families become vested.
Community workers become vested.
I know social workers and liaisons in a way I can't possibly in one year.

I know after school workers and they know the kid I need them to really support.
I can play to strengths and allocate extra time to weaknesses.

No one teacher can learn all the ways these connections are made in one year. 
For 18 students.
But in 2 years, it's not only possible, but the village almost wills it to happen.


It will be important to note that a child does not have to loop with us. 
Last year, I had one opt out, and honestly, if she hadn't, I would have asked for her to be moved.
We were not a good fit.
And that's fine.

Three more kids opted in that hadn't been with us in 3rd and joined us for 4th.
They fit like fingers in a glove.
They were immediate family.
And since I knew everyone else, I made a strong effort to catch up with their family and community aid. 

I don't consider myself a "bad teacher", as some who argues against looping worry about, but I have a style that might not work for all.

Recognizing that in and of itself makes me want to branch out and provide a variety of learning opportunities for my entire class.


Like pebbles in a stream, polishing one another, we take time to become the best versions of ourselves.

2 years.

To change.

To grow.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


When I first started teaching,
I had nothing.
I barely had enough desks.
Or chairs.

I worked in a public school.
But I supplied...everything.

I now work for the Disney World of Elementary Schools.
Ask and we can probably get.
I posted several projects on DonorsChoose.org

And this year, we really launched flex seating.
Since I loop with 3rd and 4th graders,
spending two years together,
I purposefully change the room a lot.

This year is third, and they have low options, kneeling, stools, buddy bands, balls, and standing desks.
Next year, during 4th, I have enough yoga balls for everyone to have one.
It's less flexible, but more gearing up for 5th grade.

This year, I introduced all seats at one time, along with our flexible seating poster.
Here's the gist:

1.) We choose a new seat each Monday.  You have to be here to switch.  You will have that seat for the week.
2.) Choose a seat that will allow you and your table mates optimal (your best) learning.
3.) If you choose a yoga ball, no bouncing during direction instruction, and two feet on the floor at all times.  (One reminder, 2nd reminder, you get a chair for the week).
4.) Ms. Witherell and Miss W reserve the right to move any students, at any time, for any reason.

Pretty basic, but it's been great.

I like not switching for every lesson, as some classrooms do, since we have several specials each day that would be switching without me in the room.

Each student has a supply cup stored on the far side of the room and they pick up their cup and Wallet/Checkbook each morning.

This allows them to have their home base at their desk, but also work with clipboards on the three separate rug areas or at my table.

The love it.
I love it.

Sunday, November 20, 2016



We do lot of Whole Brain Teaching inside the walls of 115.

But we also.

I started using Cosmic Kids videos a few years ago.
I believe I searched: Kids and Yoga Videos.
I now pay $5 a MONTH for add free Yoga - It's totally the BEST GIFT I can buy my students!

And Jaime from Cosmic Kids greeted me with something better than my wildest fantasies.

First - It's Yoga.
The benefits of Yoga in the life of a child are heavily researched and applauded.
It helps with EVERYTHING.
Body Control.
Direction following.
Social and Peer Relationships.
Physical Health.
And the list goes ON.

Second - It's Jaime and Martin.
Dude...The Amor family are...what's the word?
The most compassionate, kind, giving, and truly "calling found".
A husband and wife duo who really teach our children in a way, in a voice, that is so kind.
So loving.
So light shining.
What they create together is magic.
Jaime in front of the camera and Martin working side by side.

Third - It's something everyone can do.
Sometimes, when I thought of Yoga before, I'd think, I can't do that.
I can't show my kids something I can't do.
I can't lead them.
Blindly, I now know I can.
They love the days I lead.
What got me to that point?
The Yoga Adventures are doable for all level of learners.
Some may even argue that 3rd and 4th graders don't want to.
Or it's too young.
I assure you, I did every video with my 3rd and 4th graders and they love it.
If they don't want to participate - they can sit or lay on their yoga mats.
Most days- everyone is participating.

Finally - It has changed the way we practice mindfulness and yoga in my room.
We are an extended learning time (ELT) School.
We start at 7:50am in the morning, and go until almost 4pm.
They have a 15 minute lunch.
A 15 minute recess.
And 2, 45 minute blocks, of specials (Music, Art, PE, Drumming, Tech, Hulahooping, etc.)
And it also means LOOONG blocks of learning.
We use mindful practices during our morning meeting, but I was looking for something for the afternoon.

It's a routine.
They line up from lunch, walk down the hall, take out a mat, go to their spot.
And sit.
They calm their bodies.
They Namaste when Jaime Namastes.
And they understand this time is sacred in our room.

Parents understand it's sacred.
There are days I send an email home if we MISS yoga, because I KNOW.
It will change the kids.

I feel any day we miss yoga in my core.

At the end of every day in our room we do Grateful Group.
Also known as High, Low, Pass.
Kids can share their highs from the day and people they appreciate.

Without fail.
WithOUT fail.
My kids are always grateful for their 20 minutes of yoga.

Have you tried yoga?
Do you use Cosmic Kids?
What works?
What doesn't?
Tips and Tricks?
Share, friends, share! :)

Saturday, November 19, 2016


In an earlier post, we talked about Responsive Class.
And their foundational class rules,

Are rules we make as a class.
The students are dialoguing and really coming up with,
Essentially what makes a safe learning space.
Using apositive phrasing and collaboration is great.

Coming up with rules together is great.
Class compacts are great.

When they are not.
When kids are coming and going.
And arriving at noon on Tuesday and having to be assimilated into our family.

Then it's like: Hey, we've been a great community,
and now things are changing.

Instead, my littles doing their brainstorming,
come up with brilliant ideas,
and then sort them under the 5 Whole Brain Teaching Rules.

Do they all fit somewhere - boy howdy, do they ever.

Rule #1 Follow Directions Quickly

Rule #2 Raise Your Hand For Permission To Speak

Rule #3 Raise Your Hand For Permission To Leave Your Seat

Rule #4 Make Smart Choices

Rules #5 Keep Your DEAR Teachers Happy

*There is also the Diamond Rule - but I'll let you visit the WBT page to learn more about that.

Each rule has a quick gesture.
We review the rules and gestures at each morning meeting and again after Yoga.
After the first week, the morning meeting leader (a student), will run the rule review.
The class mirrors that student.

The true bang for my buck is after they own them.
I can hold up two fingers and they know, rule #2.
When I'm working with a student and they get up to wait in line behind them, rule #3.

When I asked you to line up and it takes too long - rules #1.
And Rule #5 is my unbreakable - like the one that just hurts my heart.
If we're talking #5, someone is not being safe for themselves or others, since that's the only thing that makes me truly unhappy.

Link to the Whole Brain Teaching:
5 Classroom Rules

Link the Whole Brain Teaching Classroom Rules Posters in our Room:
WBT Rules


I started small.

Something I could chew on.
And find effective.

Class, Yes.
Is where we began.

It's a simple concept.
I mean.

And yet.
More powerful.
Than even I imagined.

Class, Yes.
Is the beginning.

Everytime I say, "Class,"
The class responds, "Yes"

Exactly how I said Class.

So Class, class.
Responds Yes, yes.

Classity Class
Yessity Yes.

They can be in the middle of some LOUD learning.
Some teach okaying.
Some good stuff.

And in the middle of all of that.
They switch on their brain, their ears, and listen.
With how to respond.

Then I activate them with their response.
And we continue learning.

The best part of the strategy is it works with...

New Kids.
Old Kids.
ELL Kids.
LD Kids.


Here's the link back to Class/Yes on the Whole Brain Teaching Website:
Attention Getter

And, one of my favorite free resources from TPT:
Attention Getter By: Ilbra Israel

The Why

I truly have love, love, loved Whole Brain Teaching.
Ever since it first popped up in a late night search after my very first week of teaching.
10 years ago.

I knew I was failing my kids.
I knew the system was failing them.

I was 22, fresh out of my masters program, and I wanted to make a difference.

Most days...
30 students in my 3rd grade classroom,
At the grittiest urban elementary school and I did our best to...
Stay afloat.

I struggled to see their shine.
Underneath the poverty.

Underneath the gang violence.
The neglect.
The sadness.
And perhaps most of all the expectation that these things are...

Like children could learn under these conditions.

As a Level 1 RC Trainer Responsive Classroom teacher...
I can attest that Responsive Classroom is wonderful.

Morning Meeting.

What it doesn't have the ability to do, is reach an ever changing population.
I had students coming and going every week.
Every day practically.

When the rules from Whole Brain Teaching popped up on my screen.
Something inside me...shifted.

Not my class, but one of the videos that got me thinking - this could be the game changer.

After introducing the rules, I started to see the shine in my kids.
The love of learning.
And beginning to feel like school was a safe place.

I greatly anticipate the ability to share my work with my current students in my 3rd and 4th grade looping class.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Beginning

I truly.

Never believed.

I'd be here.

Posting on a WBT blog.
About WBT.

And now that I'm here.
I just want to sing out for joy.