Sunday, December 24, 2017



I bet that surprises you, dear reader.
I love planning and implementing surprises, but being surprised myself - nay nay - no thanks.

I suppose - the impetus for this stems back to two of the worst surprises ever: a reality TV surprise and a surprise shower in the middle of a surprise shower I was throwing for someone else. 


Though, I will say, one time time my principal surprised me with a visit from Tony DiTerlizzi - and I was totally cool with that surprise - because it was for my kids - not me.

Throwing a surprise - that's another story entirely - it's my absolute favorite.
I love planning.
I love the excitement and getting everyone ready.

Around the holiday season and break time, I urge my students to go sans gifts for me.
Our families, if they celebrate, should keep the goodies for their families.

And no one should ever feel obligated to buy presents.
I celebrate Hanukkah, so the majority of my gift giving is done before our last day of school.

I make a big deal to remind students the power of a hand written note.
And leave it at that.

Imagine my surprise.
When, on the second day of Hanukkah - we had a snowday on the first - one of my littles appeared with two white bags.  On each bag read a quote.
And inside the bag was something that had to do with the quote.
And each day of Hanukkah there was always another bag.
Another quote.
Another gift.

And truly, it was such a miraculous surprise.
To be so loved.

"The influence of a good teacher, can never be erased"
A Journal and  Pen.

"By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others."
A love mug and some gold chocolate coins.

The list included:
Homemade apple butter.
A Candle.
A coloring book and pencils.
A dreidel and some chocolate.

And, the lasting memory of a mom and daughter who went WAY above and beyond to make this looping 4th grade teacher feel valued and loved.

It's a good thing I surprised them too:
Season's greetings, dear readers.

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