Thursday, May 16, 2019


I posted this in September of 2018:

You'd think it's just a picture using the markers we received from for our thank you package.
You'd think that.
It's cute, right?
It wrecked me today.
In the best way, a teacher can be wrecked.
Zoey is 7.
And drew this beautiful picture during free draw.
It's me.
It's her.
It's us.
And we're clearly LOVE-ing life.
It's her beautiful hair, and my straight, short new hairdo.
And it's two people of color.
One 7.
One 35.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
I had to wait until I was 18.
To have a teacher, who looked like me, stand at the front of a lecture hall.
In third grade, I scrubbed my skin every night hoping I'd be just a little lighter.
I chopped off all my kinky hair hoping I'd somehow fit more.
I yearned to be seen.
By someone.
As worthy.
And yet no teacher could see through their whiteness and privilege long enough to see...
I often talk about that first day of Women's Studies 187, the day Alex Deschamps took to the stage, in her high heels, and beautiful hair, and Dominica accent, and I realized, for the first time, that I wanted to do THAT.
Because I saw myself for the first time that day.
I am honored to be a teacher of color for the Greenfield Public Schools.

And to think, you thought it was just a thank you for a box of thin line markers. 
*Edited to add: Contrary to what is pictured, in no way, was I wearing a see-through school. I mean, yes, it was over 100 degrees, but, my skirt was appropriately covered in flowers. 
Today, Google, Some AMAZING INFLUENCERS, and launched the #ISeeMe Initiative.
And I don't really know what else to say.

I know Michael Jackson's YOU ARE NOT ALONE is blaring in my mind, with mind movies of Lavar Burton bursting into our room, lol.

I know my kids are proud to be a part of an incredible movement.

And I know 2nd grade me.
The one desperate to be enough, heard, in the timbre of Stephen's incredible film: You. Are.


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