I start this post in the
Middle of day one of Get Your Teach On,
In New Orleans
And y’all.
It’s a lot.
A lot of goodness
And gracious.
And a lot of loud.
And fun.
But, most of all, it’s just a lot.
To back it up a little bit, I should say,
I’m here with the help of DonorsChoose.org,
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
And a lot of big dreams.
And like all dreams one can have,
They are not what you expect.
Sometimes they are horrible.
As is the case with GYTO,
They are better than anything you might have imagined.
This morning,
I texted my co-worker back in Massachusetts:
And I’d only been here for about 30 seconds.
I wasn’t sure I’d make it past the morning breakout.
And I do so love a good breakout.
And meeting teachers from all over the US.
There are over 900 of us.
Most in groups.
So perhaps part of my overwhelmed status,
Comes from flying solo.
Which I do so love doing, but at the same time:
I miss my #brosquad.
My dudes.
My Mr. S. and Mr. P.
Boy howdy am I ever thankful for my co-teachers.
Lunch time has been exceptionally:
Not just sitting and eating, but,
If I may be so brazen,
In relative silence.
Love me sweet silence.
Now that it’s later in the day,
I am digesting a little more on WHY I loved lunch.
I teach 30 minutes of yoga each day.
We meditate.
We make time for trauma.
And calm.
And while it means something different to their
Little 4th grade bodies,
It also means something to my adult body and brain,
And today, my adult body and brain,
Were taxed to the ultimate max.
A TON of
Call and Response.
And I needed some reset time.
To calm my body and my spirit.
And we got it.
And it made my afternoon,
I got to chat with grades 2-3 about DonorsChoose.org,
Build burgers with Hope,
And be inspired by Wade.
The most important piece of this post?
Should you got to Get Your Teach On?
In the lyrics of Oleta Adams,
“I don’t care how you get here,
Just get here if you can.”
It’s better than your wildest imaginations.
in the best kinda way.
That being said.
I’m exhausted.
Like little tiny baby tired.
And I’m really unclear on how all those presenters,
are going out tonight to run a book launch.